What does it mean to “teach from a biblical worldview?”
We all have a lens through which we view and understand the world. It forms from your life experiences, and your beliefs and values. It includes what you believe to be true. A Biblical worldview means that you examine, evaluate, and make sense of the world through the truth of the Bible. Christian schools teach from a Biblical worldview. Christian teachers and coaches integrate Biblical values into every program of the school. Teaching from a Christian perspective does not simply mean diagramming Bible verses or studying Biblical text as literature. Teaching itself is not just the passing along of information from one person to the next. Our teachers strive to reflect the Person of Christ in the classroom, in grace and truth.
Why is a biblical worldview so important?
History, science, fine arts, every subject, every curriculum, and every teacher has a point of view. There is no such thing as neutral. If a Christian viewpoint is not present, the only other option is a non-Christian viewpoint. Not allowing prayer, not wishing “Merry Christmas” nor explaining how God is not involved in history are just some of hundreds of examples that present God as non-existent or unimportant when this supposedly “neutral” point of view is presented. Children are bombarded with non-Christian messaging from movies, TV, music, social media, academia and more. We believe that a school should be instrumental in equipping children to understand the truth about life, the world and their place in it, and that truth includes God!
Yes, but many Christians have gone to public schools and turned out just fine!
No one can deny this. Yet, parents must ask themselves, “Is today’s permissive culture what I want for my child?” The difference between a public or non-Christian school and a Christian school is not simply the professionalism of its staff or perfection of its student body, but in the focus and goals of its education. That focus and those goals greatly influence the school culture. In a Christian school such as FCA, students are loved and influenced as they learn from committed Christians who share the same Biblical values as their parents. Students learn these values not just in Bible class, but also from the examples that are modeled and taught by faculty, coaches and staff members in every school activity. Challenges, conflict, and circumstances are engaged from a Biblical and Christian perspective.
Shouldn’t Christians be out in the real world, making a difference in non-Christian circles? Why shelter them in a Christian school?
A quality Christian school should never become an institution that shelters students into a reclusive life. That is not the purpose of Christian education. In fact, the mission of Christian education is to do just the opposite – serve the community and equip students to be transforming influences in the world for Jesus Christ. Travel opportunities, after school mentoring programs, and community service are just some of the ways students at Faith Christian Academy learn about the world and how to share their faith out in the real world.
Isn’t it the role of the parents and their church to teach the Christian worldview?
A Christian school does not replace the role of the parent nor church; a Christian school like FCA becomes a partner with the parent and church. Christian parents today too often feel as if they are battling an entire culture in order to raise Godly children. Parents increase their effectiveness by widening the circle of influence around their children with other Godly adults. At a Christian school, students are taught by faculty and staff who share the same basic values and beliefs as the parents. It is a partnership. Those relationships will have a lasting influence on your child.
What can I expect once my child graduates?
Let’s look specifically at Faith Christian Academy. Our students have consistently higher average scores on the SAT exams than county, state, and national averages. Ninety five percent of our graduates go on to colleges or universities. View a list of colleges and graduate schools who have accepted our graduates! The most recent self-study (2005-2015) reveals that 75.5% of FCA graduates have graduated from a four-year college or university, 45.2% have attended a Christian higher educational institution, and 22.6% have earned graduate or post graduate degrees. We are an academically excellent, college preparatory Christian school!