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Faith Christian Academy is a private school located in Goldsboro, NC. Emphasis on Christian. We believe all aspects of education relate to God and His Word. Every subject is taught in light of Biblical truth. We accept God’s Word as the final authority. This is evident in our traditional philosophy of education.


  • The teacher is in charge of the classroom.
  • The teacher is responsible for providing a structured atmosphere of order in which the students will learn.
  • The teacher has the authority to administer discipline to each child.
  • Homework is assigned regularly and expected to be completed on time.
  • God’s Word is Truth. Our textbooks are God-centered, teaching spiritual truths, morality, and patriotism.
  • Drill work and memorization are key tools in instruction.
  • Reading is taught by phonics.
  • The teacher is professional in manner but servant-minded.
  • Rules and standards are not obsolete and out dated.
  • True learning takes place in this order… Control. Communication. Learning. Positive Reinforcement.